Backlinks to VarCONTENTMODE in all Webs (Search TWiki Web only)

Topics in TWiki web
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Read only and mirror web support Scope This topic describes how to set up read only webs. A read only web can be mirrored from another site. But how to mirror a web...
SCRIPTURL{`script`} URL of TWiki script Expands to the URL of the specified script. Optionally, you can specify a web and/or a topic. In that case,...
SCRIPTURLPATH{`script`} URL path of TWiki script As % SCRIPTURL{`script` , but doesn`t include the protocol and host part of the URL Like % SCRIPTURL{...
SITENAME the current site name Syntax: % SITENAME% Supported parameters: none Returns the current site name defined by {ReadOnlyAndMirrorWebs}{SiteName...

Number of topics: 4

Revision r1 - 2012-11-30 - 07:50:47 - TWikiContributor Edit