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ENDSECTION{`name`} marks the end of a named section within a topic Syntax: % ENDSECTION{`name` Syntax: % ENDSECTION{type `include` Syntax: % ENDSECTION...
INCLUDE{`page`} include other topic, attachment, or web page Merges the content of a specified page into the current one before rendering. Syntax: % INCLUDE...
STARTSECTION marks the start of a section within a topic Section boundaries are defined with % STARTSECTION{ and % ENDSECTION{ . Sections may be given...
STOPINCLUDE end position of topic text if included If present in included topic, stop to include text at this location and ignore the remaining text. A normal...

Number of topics: 4

Revision r4 - 2012-11-15 - 06:28:40 - TWikiContributor Edit